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Perceptions Research into Employment in Tourism and Hospitality

The tourism and hospitality sectors were faced with a significant skills shortage when reopening in the wake of Covid 19. A campaign was launched by Tourism Northern Ireland and HATS with the aim of boosting job applications, however this was a short-term solution as the industry had many long-term skills issues.

In 2021 Tourism Northern Ireland, in partnership with HATS, commissioned research to identify the long-term challenges and opportunities for recruitment and retention in the tourism and hospitality industry.The purpose of this research was to gain an in-depth understanding of public perceptions of the industry as well as of the experiences of employees, to help grow and develop the industry over the next 5+ years.

The presentation looks at:

  • Recap on campaign from January
  • Overview of research
  • Key issues facing tourism and hospitality
  • Key benefits of working in tourism and hospitality
  • Differences and commonalties between employees-
  • Existing and desired benefits
  • Key takeouts

Download the Industry Research Debrief >

Perceptions Research Presentation from TED People Insight